How To Make Healthy Lifestyle Changes That Last

Struggling to make the changes that you need or desire when it comes to a healthier lifestyle? I am going to help you move past the struggle so you can make changes that last.

You can read through the blog post or watch the video.

Before I dive into the processes that I want to share with you that can truly support you, I want to remind you that what you are doing is creating a healthier lifestyle.

This isn’t about a quick fix or living a life that you don’t want to be in. It is about creating a better life for yourself.  A life that you desire. 

One the supports you, excites you and most importantly a life that you want to show up for and be in.

Yes! A life that you want to show up for and actually be in. Allow yourself to take that in.

How can you start to look at the changes you want to make, through that lens?

I hope this perception shift can really help you tap into why you are making these healthier lifestyle changes.

Lets dive into how to make healthier changes that last with these four processes that are essential to getting you there.

Know Your Why

I can already feel the eyes rolling on this on. But think about it. When you can truly understand why you want this change, it will help you actually get there.

Your why might change down the road and that is OK because you are always expanding, growing and tuning into what you truly want. What will best support you.

To really help you get going and being consistent with making changes that last, you need to know why you are doing this.

It is time to get our your journal and ask yourself these questions: 

  • Why do you desire a healthier lifestyle? 

  • What does that look like for you? 

  • How would a healthier lifestyle make you feel?

After you have written these important facts down, allow yourself to be in the energy of this. 

Your why is something that you can come back to over and over an over again. Allow it to help you ground this new way of living and being (that you desire) into your present moment. 

Have a plan

A plan keeps you on track. Builds confidence in yourself because you are taking step to get to where you desire to be.  It also allows you to identify and re-evaluate what you really want.

How do you do this? 

Get clear about your goal: what do you desire (identify from your why) and then reverse engineer the process and determine what you need to do to get there.

This will help you uncover the steps that you need to do to get where you desire to be.  

Making 1-2 small changes

I talk about this in my last video: 3 key problems with creating consistency and how to overcome them

It is important to create consistent change with small do-able actions steps because that is what moves you forward.  

Remember, what you are doing is creating healthier changes that support you in living the life you truly desire.  Feeling good in your body.  Showing up at your best.

Too many changes in your life will create burnout and sabotage your efforts and then you determine that what you are doing doesn’t work.  Focus on one, maybe two, changes at a time.

Support and accountability

This is huge.  In fact, find a person, group or coach that can support you in getting where you desire to be.  This will help you stay consistent (consistency is key) and it will also help you when you are challenged.

I don’t know about you but when I am challenged, I will stop what I am doing and in fact, I will do something completely different.  When this happens, I end up moving so far away from my goal and desire. Time passes and I realize that that I am not where I truly want to be.

By having support and accountability, you build confidence in yourself.  You understand what you need to do to move you forward and you learn how you can better support yourself, even on your own, as you move forward.  

People also need connection. This is who you are as a human. Support and accountability can help you with that.

And you also need to learn the skills/tools that you can implement and make your own so that you can better support yourself.

Now the best thing to do to ground this information into your being is to take action.  Identify which process that I shared with you today that you haven’t done and start there. 

If you are unsure, start at the top with knowing your why and work your way through the other processes. Make the lasting change you desire in your life.  You got this.  

Ready to unlock your true potential? The best place to start is with The Empowered Path Roadmap.

Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary

She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. ✨✨✨

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Stacy Stehle

Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Healer & Founder of Luminous Crystal Healing.  She loves helping people to dive into the invisible world of energy and learn how to work with it in a way that will get you unstuck, release overwhelm and feeling more and more like your true self.

How To Transmute the Energy of Fear


3 Key Problems To Creating Consistency In Your Wellness Journey and How To Overcome Them