The Benefits of Crystal Healing

Maybe you are new to crystals or you have worked with them before. I have a lot of people tell me they were gifted crystals and have no idea what they can do. 

This is the right place to help you refresh or gain a different perspective or understanding of what crystal healing is through my lens and experience. 

Now, before we dive in, I want to kind of get us on the same page.

I want to help you understand how crystals work and I've broken them down to two main areas of focus:

  1. Intention

This is just a statement that directs the energy of the experience you want to create.  Intention is so powerful.  I believe it is often overlooked because of the simplicity of it.

Let these words speak to you, “Intention is a statement of that directs the energy of the experience that you want to have.”

That puts you in your power right there.  Intention helps you to understand your creator ability to work with energy and direct it for what you desire in this reality. 

Intention allows you to gain confidence in yourself because you are giving yourself back the power to create by preparing the energy for the experience you desire. 

One way crystals work is through intention. Once you begin to purposely work with intention - you can transform your life. 

2. Entrainment

This is where you bring two different energy frequencies together and they will start to match the most dominate frequency. 

Crystals are perfected geometric structures.  Made right within the earth.  They are stable - when you talk about energetic frequencies. 

Each crystal has it’s own unique energies and they can bring different qualities out but for the most part due to their stability they are the most dominating frequency.

As humans, we are physical and energetic beings.  Our energy can be all over the place.  High one moment and then drop to the lowest of lows.  Thing about your emotions.  They can vary day by day, moment by moment.  We are always fluctuating. 

When you are working with crystals, because they are stable and dominate, they are able to bring our frequency (energy) up to theirs and match it. 

This is important because when you can stabilize your energy and bring it to a more expansive frequency - it opens you up to possibilities.  You can see where you were vibing at.  You can see where your energy was and how it may have been holding you back.  

Dense energy or what some people call low vibes: anger, frustration, sadness, depression - over time can lead to dis-ease in the body.  That is when you begin to get physical symptoms.  

With this background knowledge, lets begin to talk about the benefits of crystal healing.

The Benefits of Crystal Healing

1.  Identify patterns, energy and experiences that are holding you back.  The crystals through intention and entrainment can help you see life through a different frequency.  Once you see what isn’t working, you can choose to release it.  It holds no more power over you.

2.  Brings you into a more relaxed state of being. The crystals help bring your energy frequency into a more relaxed state.  Take some time to just hold onto a crystal.  Notice what happens to you.  Your mind shifts. Your energy changes.  The crystals help to alleviate and release stress that is held in the body.

3.  Clear your aura.  Aura is the energy field around the body.  I think of it as the first line of energetic defense when you talk about a healthy body, mind and soul.

Because energy comes into your aura and if you don’t take care of the energy it can create energy blocks that don’t allow the flow of energy through the body. 

These can be from experiences, emotions, thought patterns, beliefs, etc.  You can get stagnant energy or lack of energy flow to the body and organs and that is when you start to create dis-ease.  Over time, this leads to physical symptoms of disease in the body.  

Crystals can help you shift the energy - see the thought forms, energetic patterns you maybe holding to so you can release them and let them go.  Thus creating new patterns that support yourself better.

4.  Attune to the core of who you are. You have the core of who you are - the soul incarnate in physical form.  Your light, essence, soul.   No matter what happens this is YOU. It is always there, sometimes we just don’t realize this.  

Then you have the conditioned self - this is the you that has experienced life, create patterns and emotions that you hold onto which can dim your light or lessen your knowledge of who you are at your core.  You hold onto the conditioned self as if it IS you.  This is the one you are operating with all the time.  

Crystal healing can help you peel away the conditioned self layers that are keeping you from knowing and being your core self.  It allows you an opportunity to start living from that knowing again. 

This is huge.  This is the main way we work with energy in The Crystalline Awakening.  

5.  Feel more energized. This is because they are helping to move the energy and bring yourself into a more stable, expanded energetic frequency.  

6.  Support manifestation. Manifestation is simply bringing energy into physical form.  Most of the time what you might not be manifesting what you truly desire.  You are always manifesting.  

The crystal can help you manifest by expanding your energy field and allowing you to see where you need to go or what you need to let go of.

7.  Release limiting beliefs. I need to do a whole other video on belief patterns but your beliefs dictate your reality.  If you want to create change, working with crystal healing can help you identify the patterns of belief that are keeping you stuck.  

Crystal healing doesn’t do the work for you. 

You get to choose what you want to hold on to and what you want to let go of.  It does shift the energy but if you don’t change your patterns you will continue to manifest what you have in the past.  

I can help you start to work with crystal healing to receive the benefits I just went over:

Crystal Healing Collection - collection of recorded crystal healing session that you can tune into to shift energy.  Access journaling pages to help you identify what is coming up for you and where you can let go.  Each month a new record session is created. 

I’d love to hear from you. Are you currently working with crystal healing? If no, how would you benefit from adding it into your life? Leave me a comment and let me know.

Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary

She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. ✨✨✨

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Stacy Stehle

Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Healer & Founder of Luminous Crystal Healing.  She loves helping people to dive into the invisible world of energy and learn how to work with it in a way that will get you unstuck, release overwhelm and feeling more and more like your true self.

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