A Simple Daily Habit to Improve Your Health

I get it.  It can be overwhelming and daunting on knowing exactly what you need to do to to improve your health and feel better in your body. 

I want to keep it very simple for you and share with you just ONE simple daily habit you can start doing … right now to improve your health.

That one simple daily habit is to listen to your body.

Whether you are new to Holistic Luminary or have been here for a while, you will hear me stay this a lot:

“When it comes to your health and feeling good in your body - there is no one way - there is your way.” 

You are your own unique person. 

Yes, you are human, and there are a baseline of core foundational habits that I share upon, here at Holistic Luminary, that will help you improve your health. But at the end of the day - YOU know what is best for YOU.

When you tune in and listen to your body will really help you identify what you need and what will support you right now and moving forward.

My 3 step process to help you tune into your body:

  1. Start Tuning into to Your Body

    You do this by getting comfortable being in your body.  Easiest way is to get present and feel into it.  Notice your feet and how they are in contact with the floor. Notice how you are supported in your chair.  Notice how your breathe is. This practice of body awareness allows you to drop into your body and start being in it. This practices makes it easier to begin to listen to it.

  2. Ask Questions and Listen

    Start asking simple questions like: “What do I need right now?  What can I do today to better support my health today?”

    Allow your self to listen. I get it. Listening can be difficult . You can get into your head about what you are receiving, is it right? Is it wrong? There is no right or wrong. This is about you learning to listen and receive. I have found it very beneficial to allow yourself to be open, allowing your imagination to play.

    You are essentially connecting your body through intuition. This is by receiving information from your body by a gut feeling, inner knowing,  seeing something, thoughts, image etc.

    It can take some time to really tune in and hear.  Sometimes we hear messages from our body and intuition that we don’t want to hear or do - so we let them go.  But they will show up over and over again.

    When you are asking questions - you are also letting your body and intuition know that you are want to work together.  You are building up skill of intuition and connection.  Everyone is intuitive. It just takes practice.

  3. Follow the guidance and take action

    This can be the hardest part.

    Let me give you an example: For so long I wanted to get back into shape and my body was telling me through messages and intuition that I just needed to start walking. I kept putting it off and putting it off. Finally, months later, I started walking and it made me feel so much better and my body was starting to tone up.

    The guidance you will receive will likely be something so simple.  For example: go for a walk, drink more water, rest your body.

    Rest is such a good example. How many times do you ignore your body cues to rest?

    Your body will let you know what it needs to better support you.

You will want to put this one simple daily health habit of tuning into your body into practice.

 How often do you do this simple practice?

  • First thing in the morning: When you get up, tune in and ask yourself, “What do I need?” This will help you become better at supporting your self and your health.

  • Daily, especially when you feel challenged: this will help you get back into your body so that you can make a better decision that will support your health and wellbeing.

The key here is to start tuning into your body and listening.  From there you will be guided in ways to better support yourself.

This is our best daily healthy habit I recommend to start implementing now.  In fact, this is really the basis of the work I do at Holistic Luminary.

Let me know in the comments if this is something you currently do. If not, I recommend starting this practice and then come back and let me know how it is working for you. 

I am sure lots of wonderful things will start to unfold for you as you take better care of yourself and your health.

Ready to make some impactful changes that last, start with understanding your energy and the best place to start is with The Empowered Path Roadmap.

Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary

She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. ✨✨✨

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Stacy Stehle

Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Healer & Founder of Luminous Crystal Healing.  She loves helping people to dive into the invisible world of energy and learn how to work with it in a way that will get you unstuck, release overwhelm and feeling more and more like your true self. 


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