10 Daily Rituals To Nourish Your Body

Are you someone that tends to take care of others first? Do you find that you push your “self-care” priorities way down your to-do list, in fact they are becoming non-existent?

I am going to share with you 10 daily rituals and practices to nourish your body so that you can put yourself first on the to do list.

You can read through the blog post or watch the video.


Putting everything and everyone before your own health and wellbeing will take a toll on you. You are probably feeling it right now. Tired, low energy, feeling drained all the time.

You have the best intentions to help others but it is impacting your life: how you feel and even how you show up on a daily basis.

You are here right now because you want something different for yourself. Things need to change so that you can actually show up and be your best self.

“YOU are the most important person. If you can’t take the best care of yourself FIRST, how can you fully show up and give your best in all you do?” — Stacy Stehle

Before we dive deeper I want us to get on the same page.

Rituals and practices are things that you do in your life with intention and purpose. Eventually they will turn into long term healthy habits.

What I am seeing is that as humans we tend to just do things to do them. Sometimes just hoping that they will work for us.

What is missing is the passion and purpose. The clear intent. This allows you to be fully present in the moment and gets you back into your body. Feeling and connecting with yourself.

You practice these things so that you can get a feel for them. You can experiment and see how they work. Giving you the opportunity to shape these rituals and practices in a way that will work for you and your life.

10 Rituals & Practices to Nourish Your Body and Put Yourself FirstAwareness

Being aware of what you are doing and not doing will help you identify where you can start to make shifts and changes in your life for the better.

Sometimes you think you are doing all the right things but in reality, you might be self-sabotaging. This is because you create habits that feel comforting and normal for you. Awareness is so important and so easy.

The part that makes it difficult is when you start judging the process. You have to be the observer and take a neutral stance when it comes to seeing what is really going on. This will give you an honest viewpoint that you can move forward with.

Working with Energy

Energy is everything and it actually impacts you more than you realize. How many times have you walked into an environment only to feel like something bad just happened? Or maybe you walked into a place and it felt so alive and exciting? That is the energy you are feeling.

So many people don’t realize this but you are an energetic beacon. Your energy output impacts how you feel and how you show up.

You can start to understand this by becoming aware of your energy through out the day. Don’t worry. You can change your “normal” energy output through working with intentions, asking yourself how you want to feel and then embodying that energy during the day.

Start to become aware of your daily energy and then play with it. Be intentional with how you truly want to feel.


This is a powerful transformation ritual and practice because it allows you to come back into your body. This can be difficult for some, especially when they are doing all they can to not truly be in the body and feel.

Being present and in the body is when your life changes.

Meditation doesn’t have to take hours. In fact, taking 5 minutes to get quiet and tune into the body can help you feel so much better. There are so many different ways to meditation, find a way that works for you. Walking in nature can be a meditation.


Putting pen to paper allows your body to be present and even moves the energy through the body.

When it comes to nourishing your body and being able to support you, create a journaling practice that allows you to connect in with how you are feeling. You are able to move energy out of the body by seeing it and exploring how things make you feel and even what you are doing and not doing.

You can even dive deeper into the creation process by allowing yourself to dive into what it is you truly desire. Allow your intuition to guide you in the best way to create your journaling practice.

Balanced Eating

Being intentional about what you are eating and how it will support your body will help you feel nourished by supporting you. Food is fuel for the body.

Balanced eating is about balancing whole food groups. In fact, your body needs carbs, fat and protein to function properly.

Diets and deprivation don’t work. Because once you go on a diet, you must go off.

Creating balanced meals will support your energy and hormones. When your body is balanced, you feel better and are able to operate from a grounded present state. Not one that is triggered by stress and outside influences.

Optimal Nutrition

Your cells are the key to your health. They make your body function and operate the way that is should. They require optimal levels of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. You simply can’t get all they need from food alone.

That is why taking a daily, high quality supplement is key to supporting your cells so you can feel better in your body.

After getting back on a high quality nutritional supplement, my whole life changed. I felt more energized. I was able to lose the brain fog as my mind was more clearer and I was able to be fully present and make better decisions. I also improved my sleep and how I felt in my body overall.

Yes, something so simple as taking your nutritional supplements daily with intention to support a better way of feeling and living, can make a huge difference.


Water is the building block of life and is essential to your health and well-being. How much water are you actually drinking?

Experts say at least 8 - 8 ounce glasses/day. In fact, you might need more. It just depends on your activity level.

Water supports your mood, energy, mental clarity, joints. In fact, your body is made up of 99% water. Water is also programmable.

Intentional Movement

You are a mobile being. You are not meant to be stationary. When you create a sedentary life, it impacts how you feel and even how you show up. This is because your energy doesn’t get to shift.

Movement moves energy.

Movement nourishes the body. How can you be intentional with this practice? How can you do something that you like to do? How can you shift the energy and perception with this practice?

Your energy behind movement impacts it. This practice can be so simple like dancing in the house. Walking outside. Tap into things that feel good for you and start there.

Restful Sleep

Sleep allows your body to heal, renew and regenerate. Your body needs to sleep. Experts say that 7-9 hours is ideal for adults. Obviously you need to find your sweet spot and what works best for you.

Making time to craft a night time ritual and practice that allows you time to wind down, and get ready for restful sleep can be so beneficial.

Managing Stress

Stress will never leave your life. So you need to learn how to manage stress so it doesn’t manage you.

What can you do to better support yourself? The first thing might be to look at what stresses you out and create a plan to support you in those particular areas.

Stress impacts the body and how it functions. You are no good if you are burnt out and can’t deal with stress. Take time to get clear about ways you can manage stress in your life.

Going back through these rituals and practices above is a great place to start to help you with this area.

These are the 10 rituals and practices that we have found to be the most beneficial in really being able to nourish your body and put yourself first.

In fact they are so important I created a full course around them to really help you ground this information and practices into your life.

By putting yourself first, you are able to show up fully and give your best in all you do, because you made yourself a priority.

Ready to make some impactful changes that last, start with understanding your energy and the best place to start is with The Empowered Path Roadmap.

Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary

She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. ✨✨✨

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Stacy Stehle

Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Healer & Founder of Luminous Crystal Healing.  She loves helping people to dive into the invisible world of energy and learn how to work with it in a way that will get you unstuck, release overwhelm and feeling more and more like your true self. 


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