Essential Oils For Holistic Health: Mind, Body and Spirit

Holistic health is more than just your physical being. It is the whole part of you: integrating mind, body and spirit to work in harmony.

You are multi-dimensional and each aspect: mind-emotions, physical and spiritual all impact each other.

When one is out of balance, you can guarantee that it is impacting the other areas.

There are so many ways you can work with these aspects of yourself to bring them more into balance and today I want to talk to you specifically about essential oils.

Essentially, Essential oils are the essence of plants. They the essence of plants and carry unique frequencies that can support the body and bring balance to the mind, body and spirit.

Essential Oils for Mental Balance

Lavender: this is the essential oil of Communication & Calm. It can help ease the mind, create mental clarity which also helps when communicating to self and others. It can also help alleviate anxiety, reduce stress and promote a restful sleep.

Peppermint: this is the essential oil of The Buoyant Heart. Invigorates the mind, body and spirit, reminding you that life can be happy and joyful. It awakens and energizes. Great for mental balance balance because it brings you back to your heart and creating the heart-mind connection. It also clears the mind, enhances focus and boosts energy levels.

Frankincense: this is the essential oil of Truth. This oil helps to quite the mind, making it easier to connect with your inner self, identify truth and clear negative thoughts. Also helps create a deep sense of peace and mental clarity.

Essential Oils for Physical Health

Eucalyptus: this is the essential oil of Wellness. Working with the physical and emotional body. Helps to clear the airways and uncover patterns of thinking that are making it difficult to maintain well-being. It is also a great oil to help soothe muscles.

Tea Tree: this is the essential oil of Energetic Boundaries. When you have clear and strong energetic boundaries, this supports a healthy aura which then supports a healthy body, mind and spirit. Your aura is the first line of defense when it comes to creating wellness. This oils will help you refine and enforce your own energetic boundaries.

Ginger: this is the essential oil of Empowerment. Being in your power while being in your physical body. Be fully present and participate in life. This allows you to better understand your physical body and how to support it. This oils also supports the body by reducing inflammation, supports digestion and boost circulation. All of which helps the body work the way that it should be.

Essential Oils for Spiritual Connection

Sandalwood: this is the essential oil of Sacred Devotion. It helps to anchor your energy and making it easier to connect with your inner self and higher, expanded realms. Great oil to help you open to deepening your spiritual connection.

Myrrh: this is the essential oil of Mother Earth. It helps to aid in emotional healing so that you can connect and communicate with a higher consciousness. It also keeps you grounded in the body, connect to the Earth plane yet expanded to tap into the spiritual frequency.

Melissa: this is the essential oil of Light. It helps to awaken the soul to truth and light. Helps you to uplift the spirit and open your heart. Reminding you who you are, why you are here and how to reach your full potential.

How To Use Essential Oils for Holistic Health

Aromatherapy: This is the easiest way. You can add a few drops to your diffuser. This will also help to create an environment that supports your mind, body and spirit. Don’t have a diffuser? That is OK. Just open the bottle and inhale the oils.

Topically: This is where you apply the essential oils directly to the skin. It is advised that you also use a carrier oil with the oil to help disperse and dilute the oil, especially if you have sensitive skin. The great thing about this type of use is that you can apply on specific areas of the body to target those systems and/or energy centers.

Creating A Daily Routine

Having specific times of day where you connect with the essential oils to support your mind, body and soul.

Morning Routine: Start your day by connecting with spirit. Oils like Frankincense and Sandalwood would help you feel centered and connected as you begin your day.

Midday Reset: This is usually when stress can build up for the day. Using oils like Peppermint and Tea Tree can help to bring you back to your heart center and create the energetic boundaries so that you can clear your energy field and power through the rest of your day.

Evening Wind-down: Evening is a great time to wind down and relax. Oils like Lavender and Melissa will help you create that calming environment but yet help you feel deeply connected to who you are.

Essential oils are a powerful, natural way to bring more balance to your mind, body and spirit. This balanced expands from your energy field positively impacting your external environment. Drawing to you a sense of well-being.

Need oils? Click here to get started with 25% off pure, high quality essential oils & gain access to Essentially Balanced, a holistic community designed to support you on every level.

Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary

She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. ✨✨✨

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Stacy Stehle

Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Healer & Founder of Luminous Crystal Healing.  She loves helping people to dive into the invisible world of energy and learn how to work with it in a way that will get you unstuck, release overwhelm and feeling more and more like your true self.

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