Which Crystals Are Good For Meditation?

Meditation is a great ritual and practice that allows you to come back into the body.

Letting go, calming your mind and just being.

What is difficult part is taking time to meditate and be in their body and calming the mind.

This can bring about a lot of tension and thoughts that start to flow when you do meditate.

Using crystals during meditation can help you shift that energy so that you can become more present with the body, making meditation a more conscious, easy practice.

Why Use Crystals in Meditation?

Crystals work with the power of intention. You can set your intention to use them to feel more supported and guided through meditation.

You can also use them as a visual aid to help you clear your mind and support yourself through meditation.

They also help you shift energy. Through the power of entrainment they can help you bring yourself and your energy into a more stable frequency.

They help you raise or expand your energy vibration and allow for the release of things that aren’t serving your intentions.

Which Crystals Aid in Meditation

You want to choose crystals that help you feel calm and relaxed. Use this criteria to help you pick the best crystal to start working with during meditation. I picked a few to help you get started if you are unsure.


Selenite carries a naturally calming vibration which allows one to releasing negative and running thoughts from the mind. This crystal also helps to clear energy which allows you to keep your energy clear and clean while also providing a type of protection or barrier around your aura. This protective energy which keeps other people’s energy from affecting yours.

Most people who experience anxiety and depression find themselves thinking of the past or future events that involve other people. By using selenite, the crystal helps to release these thoughts to focus on the present. 

White Quartz

White quartz crystals hold a gentle, calming and smooth vibration. These crystals work with energy blockages. By using them in meditation, you can find that channeling thoughts to them will also help in releasing these thoughts from your mind.

Once you channel the negative or running thoughts from your mind, you are able to think more clearly and are better able to clear your mind in meditation.


Aquamarine is a beautiful crystal to help calm the mind and emotions. It connect with the energy of water. Water energy relates with cooling, release and cleansing. This crystal is beneficial for creating a soothing, calm experience to better support meditation. I

t is helpful during meditation to provide enough calmness to the individual to focus on clearing their thoughts. It can also provide a relaxing feeling. It is known to help relieve a person experiencing anxiety and depression temporarily for them to practice meditation. 

Choose one of this crystals to being working with in meditation. Journal your experiences as you work with it. This helps you to identify how the crystal is supporting you.

If you are looking to dive deeper into the support of your crystal, try this Crystal Meditation.

Ready to unlock your true potential? The best place to start is with The Empowered Path Roadmap.

Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary

She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. ✨✨✨

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Stacy Stehle

Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Healer & Founder of Luminous Crystal Healing.  She loves helping people to dive into the invisible world of energy and learn how to work with it in a way that will get you unstuck, release overwhelm and feeling more and more like your true self. 


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