7 Steps To Master Your Energy

Energy. The invisible, subtle energy realm that is apart of you and also impacts every aspect of you and your life. Probably more than you realize.

I often feel this is the best kept secret when it comes to wanting to make changes in your life.

Most people are focused on the actions they take and when they don’t see the results, they think they need to do more.

But where they have over looked is the energy behind the actions.

When you start to understand the energy, it will help you uncover more about the results or lack of results you are getting.

Your energy determines how you will show up and what you CHOOSE to do.

I love to help people dive deeper into energy and help them understand their own energy and how to work with it to really empower their lives.

7 Steps To Master Your Energy

  1. Support your physical body. When you feel better in your body, your energy shifts. You feel more supported to do the things you truly desire. It also help you to embody the energy you want to step into. Your health begins at the cellular level. To feel at your best, you need to be supplying your cells with optimal levels of nutrients. It truly is amazing how your energy will shift and help you step into more of what you desire when you add a high quality supplement into your daily routine.

  2. Start to notice how you feel on a daily basis. What is your energy like when you wake up, through out the day and when you go to bed? What thoughts are you telling yourself? Do you find yourself saying things like, “I am stuck. I don’t know what I am doing? I am not good at this?” Understanding your energy patterns will help you identify what impacts you. Are you responding to energy or reacting to it. It is even your energy or is it someone else’s?

  3. Move your body. You might be thinking why movement? Movement allows energy to move through you. Think about emotions - energy in motion. Most of the time we hold onto emotions and the energy gets stuck within our body. Regular practice of movement allows you to shift the energy within your body and move the dense stuck energy. It is a great practice to help you feel better.

  4. Understand how you read energy. You read energy through your intuition. It is important to identify how this works for you. Maybe you receive an inner feeling or an inner knowing. You could see something within your third eye or through visualization. Or maybe you hear things through other people or internally. You most likely are dominate in one area but you can develop all of these.

  5. Gain clarity on what you desire. When you are clear on what you want to create for yourself this allows you to uncover thoughts and emotions that can hold you back. It also allows you to identify the feeling it brings you. That is the energy you want to embody.

  6. Embodiment. Being and bringing the energy you desire into your current reality. What activities or things bring you into that energy? Start being this energy. Create a simple practices in the morning to help you embody and be that energy.

  7. Create a daily practice. A daily practice turns into healthy habits that allow you to work with energy and master it. You are also reprograming the subconscious by daily practice. Remember, you are a creator. This daily practice allows you to tune into your energy and determine if it is moving you toward what you desire or not. It will help you take the action that is necessary to move you toward what you desire.

Your energy truly matters and it impacts how you show up and what you choose to do in your life.

If you really want to make some impactful changes that last, start with understanding your energy and the best place to start is with The Empowered Path Roadmap.

Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary

She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. ✨✨✨

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Stacy Stehle

Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Healer & Founder of Luminous Crystal Healing.  She loves helping people to dive into the invisible world of energy and learn how to work with it in a way that will get you unstuck, release overwhelm and feeling more and more like your true self. 


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