How To Trust Your Intuition

Your intuition is an innate (natural) part of who you are.

We all have intuition. Yes, including you.

This might be a part of yourselves that you may have closed off because something ‘happened within your life’ to tell you that your intuition was not needed or an experience that made you feel “less than, weird or not normal”.

Most people tend to tune off their intuition during childhood.

Your intuition is a part of you. It is your innate ability, something natural within you.

You might know intuition as your 6th sense because it is a sense.

It is needed for you to use so that you can better navigate this reality.

As a child, my intuition was never brought up. In fact, I was not the authority figure in my life. The outside world was. I grew up thinking this was what was best for me.

Now, times are shifting. More and more people are being called to tune into this innate ability they have, called intuition.

In fact, I feel it is imperative for everyone to know this part of themselves. When you do, you are better able to navigate this reality, with more flow, ease and confidence in all you do.

So, how do we begin to trust this part of ourselves? I have some tips to help you get there.

How to Trust Your Intuition

  • Identify how your intuition speaks to you: There are 4 main ways that this happens: clear hearing, clear seeing, clear knowing or clear feeling. We all have these abilities and we all have the ability to enhance each one but I believe we come into this reality with one main ability in tact that will help us navigate this realm. Which one resonates for you?

  • Follow the synchronicities + keep track of them: Once you know how your intuition speaks to you, start keeping track of all the times it support you and guides you. Synchronicities are like the breadcrumbs along your journey that support you in knowing you are on the right path for you. The more you notice and keep track of them, the more that you will feel confident in your abilities.

  • Practice working with your intuition: My husband and I always tell our kids, practice makes you not so bad. In fact, practice is needed in everything you do, if you want to get better. If you don’t practice, how can you hone your abilities? You can’t. Daily practice is key.

  • Tune into your body: Your body is the best way to guide you. It speaks to you in all kinds of ways. But you need to understand how it speaks to you. Start to notice when things feel off for you and when they don’t go the way you desire. There is most likely cues your body is telling you. You just need to start noticing them.

Everyone is different and how you work with your intuition will probably be a bit different than how I work with it. But isn’t that the beauty? You get to create and play with your intuition in a way that works for you.

When you start to trust your own intuition, you are limitless, it allows you to truly gain the confidence and support you need to create your reality in your own way.

If you are ready to start to learn more about your intuition and how it works for you, download The Empowered Path Roadmap. Intuition is one of these steps that will lead you to unlocking your true potential.

Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary

She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. ✨✨✨

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Stacy Stehle

Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Healer & Founder of Luminous Crystal Healing.  She loves helping people to dive into the invisible world of energy and learn how to work with it in a way that will get you unstuck, release overwhelm and feeling more and more like your true self.

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