Spiritual Alignment and Expansion

There is no doubt that we are living in times that are not like anything we have experienced before.

There appears to be more challenges that many are facing, which in turn can bring up a lot of fear.

Don’t get me wrong, these challenges have always there but now it seems as if the veil is thinning and they are being thrown in your face.

You might be thinking to yourself, through all these challenges, how you can you live a more balanced life?

Spiritual Alignment is when your feelings, thoughts and actions are aligned with the higher truth of who you are.

You are a whole being who is deeply connected at a spiritual level.

When this aspect of self is overlooked, it creates ripples in your life, in the way of challenges or obstacles, to get you to notice that you are living out of alignment with yourself.

This sparks you on a journey to get back into alignment through truth and unconditional love.

One that opens you up to a new way of living and being, and expands your consciousness moving you the next steps of your spiritual journey.

What truly holds one back is the fear of change or resistance for growth.

Life doesn’t just happen. There is a flow of information and understanding that is layered through experiences to help you grow and expand. It is a choice in how you look at those experience and work with them that will move you forward or keep you stuck.

One often forgets that the spiritual self is a guiding and supportive light on this journey in life. Everything that you truly need to move into alignment is within you. Your intuition is what guides you to where you need to go.

It is important to let go of the fear and develop trust within yourself. This sparks growth and expansion in your own consciousness and moves you forward in life.

Not only does this impact your life but your spiritual alignment is an energy that ripples into the lives of other people. It is energetic. It connects with others by opening their hearts so they are able to connect with truth and unconditional love. The knowing that they too are never alone and that everything they truly need can be found from within.

This is how we create a shift in consciousness which opens you up to more joy and light in your life and in the life of others.

This alignment brings you into a deeper, inward soul search. Which opens you up to a new place of being and living. What is no longer in alignment with you, can not remain. It is all about the feeling.

It is not what you do. It is how you feel when you do it. It is not who you connect with. It is how you feel when you connect with them.

This is how you will bring balance back into your life by aligned with your feelings, thoughts and actions with your higher truth.

This next piece is to feel aligned on all levels, whether it is how you work, how you relate to others, or how you live. This is how you help yourself and others shift into this expanded consciousness.

This is happening at a macro and micro level; as above, so below. Earth is also shifting and changing. What is not aligned is being released and let go of. An expansion in consciousness is happening. It is up to you as to how tightly you will hold onto things that are no longer in alignment.

When you choose to let go, you open yourself up to a new way of living and being. One that brings you into more joy and a better way of living and being.

Ready to unlock your true potential? The best place to start is with The Empowered Path Roadmap.

Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary

She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. ✨✨✨

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Stacy Stehle

Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Healer & Founder of Luminous Crystal Healing.  She loves helping people to dive into the invisible world of energy and learn how to work with it in a way that will get you unstuck, release overwhelm and feeling more and more like your true self. 


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