Connecting With Your Crystal Meditation

I am am really excited to share this crystal meditation with you. It will help you connect with crystal energy so you can better support your self.

Use it to help you slow down and tune inward and bask in the frequency of the crystal you choose.

Make sure that you have your crystal and are in a nice, comfortable space where you can sit or lie down so you can tune into the crystal energy.

Crystal Meditation

Take a nice deep breath in and release and as you're exhaling, just allow anything that's not serving you

to be released through your body. If you have a mile long to do list or things that need to get done, just allow them to release and know that they will come back to you after this meditation and when you need to get them done.

Good. Let's do another nice deep breath in and release.

Just allowing your body to relax and to get comfortable. Very good.

Feel and tune into your energy

What I want you to do is take your hands and put your palms together. Rub your palms together. We are going to activate our hand chakras.

This is really good to help us begin to feel and tune into energy.

After you rub them together, you can kind of pull them apart bring them back together. That force, it is the energy that you're feeling.

Connect with your crystal

All right so now what i want you to do is to grab your stone, your crystal that you're working with today.

It can be on the is intuitive chosen or one that you just know you need to work with.

Go ahead and put that in your hand.

If you need to close your eyes so you can tune into the energy. Let go of everything that's going on around you. Just feel into this.

How does it make you feel?

What does this crystal feel like in your hand?

Just notice these observations.

Look at your crystal

What does it look like?

Explore it. You are connecting in with the intention to connect into this crystal. You might want to switch hands.

Notice how it feels to hold it in the other hand.

Does it feel different?

Do you feel anything on one hand then you do the other?

You are just simply noticing. Don't worry if you don't feel anything at all. It takes time to really hone this gift that you have of tuning into energy.

Attune to your crystal

I like to keep my crystal in my left hand (non domintate hand).

Now what I want you to do is cup your hand, with your crystal in the cup and place that hand over your heart center.

You are going to use this space within your heart center to attune to the crystal. To feel it, to understand it, to connect with it.

Bring our attention down to your heart center.

Close your eyes if you can.

If you're not good at visualizing, just set your intention: My intention is to connect to my crystal through my heart center.

That's it.

Now tune in and notice:

How do you feel?

how does your crystal feel?

Spend time here , feeling into the energy of your crystal.

Now, want you to do is pull that energy or the color, whatever you feel. Or you can pull both the energy and color, in through your heart center.

Radiate that color and energy of the crystal, throughout your entire body.

However that crystal feels for you. It could be through intention of just bringing it in or visualize bringing that energy in through your heart center and expanding it.

Right now just expand it through your chest area.

Breath it in and expand it up through your head and down through your back.

Breath it in and allow it to go down through your stomach and down through your legs.

Feel this energy connecting with every cell, every part of who you are.

Tuning in to this energy, vibration, frequency and color.

How does it make you feel?

Are there any images that come up? Words you might be receiving, images?

Notice as you are connecting with your crystal.

Ask your crystal if there's anything that it wants to share with you at this time?

You can do this through your mind or speaking it out loud.

Notice how you feel.

Notice what may come up through you, as far as like words, images colors or things that you need to do.

Just take notice. Don't judge. Just notice what wants to comes up and then later you can work with that energy.

Ask your crystal how is the best way to work with you?

Tune in and notice if you receive anything. This might be so subtle as something coming to your mind.

Thank your crystal for connecting with you for allowing you to tune into its energy and vibration.

When you're done, you can slowly come back into your body, into your room. Slowly move your feet, your hands and maybe even your body, just a little bit.

When you are ready, you can open your eyes.

Welcome back!


I highly recommend that you journal right now what came through for you during this meditation. How did you feel? Any information that came through: images, pictures, knowings, things that you might need to do or how to work with your crystal.

This is how you are able to tune into its energy to work with you for your highest good.

I also recommend that you carry this crystal with you through the rest of your day. Intentionally connecting in and working with it as it suggested with you.


If you didn’t receive anything, please don't worry. Believe me, I've been there and it's taken me a long time to trust in what i'm receiving and trust that I can actually tune into energy.

Be gentle with yourself. Synchronicities more than likely will come throughout your day or maybe a couple days from now. You'll get an aha moment and be like “Oh my gosh, I've always tuned in and wow this is how I receive messages” or “This is how I can connect with the energy of the crystal or this is how I work with it.”

Be gentle with yourself, okay.

Don’t forget to stay connected and share your progress with me. I look forward to hearing how the crystals are working with you. Come back and leave me a comment.

Use this meditation every single day if you need to.

Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary

She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. ✨✨✨

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Stacy Stehle

Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Healer & Founder of Luminous Crystal Healing.  She loves helping people to dive into the invisible world of energy and learn how to work with it in a way that will get you unstuck, release overwhelm and feeling more and more like your true self.

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