How To Cleanse Your Crystal

I am going to show you how to cleanse crystals by re-tuning them.

What does this mean? We are re-tuning the frequency of the crystals back to it’s natural resonance.

Crystals are always shifting energies and when working other other people or in the environment, they can come into contact with a high amplitude of energy (than that of the earth) that can knock it out of a stable resonance.

This could be electromagnetic fields (EMFs) or even a strong emotional release, yelling or intense positive or negative emotions.

So you need to re-tune it or clear it to get it back to it’s natural vibrating frequency.

Think about you when you get drained or depleted. You need to clear yourself and re-tune to your natural state of being.

When you do that, you feel energized, healthy and balanced. You are capable of working at your highest state. Crystals need that care too.

You want clear a crystal the first time you get one and then on a continuous basis as you work with them. As you work with crystals, more and more, you will intuitively know when it is time to clear them. As a general rule, start to clear them after every use.

There are many different ways to clear or cleanse a crystal.

Go with what resonates for you and the crystals. Again, the more you work closely with crystals the more in tune you will be to them and you can tap into what they really need. Not every crystal will do well in water. Not every crystal will do well in the sun because they can fade. Do more research with your crystals to determine what would be the best way to clear it.

When using any of these clearing techniques, you want to set your intention to clear your crystals, bringing them back to their full resonance state.

How to cleanse your crystals:

  • SOUND: This is my #1 favorite way to clear crystals. You could use chimes, a bell, a singing bowl or even a tuning fork. Allow the sound from your instrument to vibrate over and round the crystal. Do this for a few minutes.

  • SMUDGING: Smudge crystals by moving them through a bundle of burning dried herbs. Allow the crystal to be placed in the smoke and turn the crystal around so it gets fully cleansed. I learned from my crystal healing teacher, that when the smoke tends to move to a side of the crystal, it is usually done.

  • WATER: Put a crystal under running water until you intuitively feel it is cleansed. There are some crystals that will dissolve in water, like Selenite. You can also imagine an ocean stream or river stream moving over your crystals and cleansing them. Remember, we are working at an energetic level here to clear and cleanse. RELATED: Click here for a list of crystals that can be damaged by water or liquids.

  • SUNLIGHT/MOONLIGHT: The light of the sun and moon are wonderful ways to connect the crystal back to nature. Remember to check to see if your crystals fade in the sun before putting them out. I tend to put my crystals out in the moonlight and then leave them out all night. You can also leave them by the widow sill if you can’t put them out directly.

  • SOIL/BEACH: Crystals came from the earth so giving them some time on or in the earth is wonderful. Placing them on the soil or burying them in the earth (up to 24 hours) gives them an energetic reboot from nature. Attuning them to their natural earth resonance. If you are at the beach, let them ground into the sand for a good clearing.

How often should you cleanse your crystals?

That depends on you and how you are working with them. It could be every time you work with them, a week or maybe even a month. As you build a relationship with them, you will know when to cleanse. It may feel as if you aren’t receiving anything from it. Or maybe you just want to experiment and give it a cleanse more often to see how you interact with the energy.

Tune into your own intuition.

Crystal Healing Collection- Holistic Luminary

Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary

She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. ✨✨✨

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Stacy Stehle

Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Healer & Founder of Luminous Crystal Healing.  She loves helping people to dive into the invisible world of energy and learn how to work with it in a way that will get you unstuck, release overwhelm and feeling more and more like your true self.

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